Various kindness events and activities are held over the year for and involving Simpson students.  


 2023-24 Events 

Simpson Families in Need donations


** THANK YOU for the incredible support Simpson families! Your generous donations will support each Simpson family with a $250 gift card to help with their holiday needs. ** 


Veterans’ Day Thank You cards


 Thanksgiving canned food drive 

** THANK YOU to everyone who sent in donations for our first Simpson Families in need canned food drive. Your generosity will brighten our neighbors celebrations. Sources Of Strength students packed bags for our families. A big note of appreciation to Ms. Vaughn and Aimee B. for coordinating this labor of love. Here are some photos.



  Random Acts of Kindness Week (February)

For 2024 Random Acts of Kindness Week PTSA partnered with the Sources Of Strength student group to get the students involved with planning and spreading kindness.


PTSA provided 800 blank notecards that students at Simpson used to write a kind note and spread encouragement. The Sources Of Strength students ensured that every student received a kind note!

Halloween Candy Collection 

Check out the Kindness activities 2022-23 page