Various kindness events and activities are held over the year for and involving Simpson students.  

Random acts of Kindness week

(February 13-17)


February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day!  Students can spread kindness by purchasing a friendship bracelet or candy and brighten someone's day.  PTSA will sell bracelets and candy for a $1 in the school atrium from 2/13-2/16.  The items will be delivered to the receiving students in their homeroom on Friday 2/17. 


Simpson Families in Need 

** THANK YOU for the amazing response! We raised over $1000 to support some of our own Simpson families this holiday season. Each family will receive a Walmart gift card to help with their holiday needs. ** 


Spread your kindness by supporting a Simpson family in need this Holiday season!  Our PTSA Kindness committee is collecting donations to provide gift cards to directly support our most in need families at Simpson.  Your generosity will ease the burden of our neighbors during the Holidays.  Donations will be collected through November 30th.    


We are grateful to continue this program through our partnership with PTSA Kindness Committee and our Simpson Social Worker.  Last year your kindness supported 10 families each with a $100 Walmart Gift Card.  Thank you!  

Veterans’ Day Thank You cards 

** We donated over 600 thank you cards to United Military care to share with local veterans! Thank you Ms Fish, ELA teachers and students for the amazing display of kindness! **


Halloween Candy Collection 

** THANK YOU!!! We donated 65 lbs of candy to Treats for Troops **