HUGE note of appreciation and THANKS to everyone who hosted a table, led an activity, showed up to support, Simpson teachers, staff and others who gave their time, talents and contributed in many many ways to make this a truly wonderful evening!!


Here are some event photos.



           Schedule of events

Time Location  
6:00pm Lobby Check-in, pick up passport/wing
6:00pm Gym Simpson Orchestra performance
6:00-8:00pm Covered Play Area Explore family tables with cultural displays, sample international foods
6:00 - 8:00pm Gym

-> Explore activities - Henna, Paper crafts, Face  painting, games 

-> Make your own paper to add to an art installation

7:00 - 7:30pm Gym Interactive African drumming and dance with Djoli Kelen
8:00-8:30pm Theater Cultural performances by Simpson students


Handy links 

Attending and presenting families  RSVP here
Student volunteers needed  Signup Genius Link


A huge THANK YOU to these participating organizations, local businesses, area schools and clubs



THANK YOU to our wonderful sponsors (Simpson families, local businesses and organizations)


Check out the Intl Night 2022-23 page